The dreary blight of Walmart
Local stonehenge quarry
Lovers on a train
Pipemaker at work
Sunrise on Lake Michigan
Deer leaps through golden fall leaves
Koi swim through summer clouds
Vermont farmstead before a storm
Granite quarry during a work break
Reflections in a MOMA window
Chinese village, 1982
Thai train station
Trump casino's faux luxury & real sadness
Brooklyn barbershop
Village tattoo shop
Homme-splaining at a Paris cafe
Iraqi with tribal face tattoos
Iraqi girl before 2nd US invasion
Iraq, kodacrone
Iraqi girl on eve of US invasion
Thai temple playground
Loatian snack makers
Lonely in a Paris bridal shop
Water station on Indian street
Exhausted redcross worker, El Salvador's final offensive
Salman Rushdie
Chinese candy peddler, 1982
China, sharing the humor