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Proud boy, worried mom, LAOS

Happy Laotian monk

Casualty of US-dropped cluster bomb, LAOS

Woman in hat, LAOS

Girl chisels rough edges, LAOS

Taking in the passing day, LAOS

Clear gaze, LAOS

Friendly guys on the street, eve of US invasion, IRAQ

Ragpicker in Baghdad, eve of US invasion, IRAQa

In hospital for leukemia chemotherapy,, eve of US invasion, IRAQ
Among all the victims of the unjust, ill-considered US war on Iraq, I wonder most about this child. She was doing well in her cancer treatment just days before the US brought Baghdad to chaos. But it is hard to imagine her chemotherapy continued amist the shortages and violence of a city under seige.

We love Saddam, said the sisters on the eve of US invasion, IRAQ

Baker and his son on the eve of US invasion, IRAQ

Ration shop that kept Baghdad fed before the US invasion destroyed the system and the city.

Shortly after a US-dropped bomb fell thru the roof of his house, eve of US invasion, IRAQ

Despite their countries amnity, people greeted an American with friendliness

Souther Iraqi with tribal tattoos, eve of US invasion, IRAQ

Mother and child in waiting room of Baghdad hospital on eve of US invasion, IRAQ

Kodacrone, eve of US invasion, IRAQ

Sculptor with works illustrating the weight of days, eve of US invasion, IRAQ

Basra fisher, eve of US invasion, IRAQ

Woamn tells her story on eve of US invasion, IRAQ

Ueji-ji-san taught me to skin dive on Suanose Island, Japan

Immigrant musician busks in Paris

Parisan cafe life

Gorgeous in Paris, aren't I!

At work at a flea market stand in Paris

At his Flea market stand, Paris

Modeling her flea market wares, Paris

Alone in a Paris bridal shop

Grandfather and kid, CHINA 1982

Smoking man, CHINA 1982

Barefoot doctor, CHINA 1982

They say people and their pets look alike, CHINA 1982

Street candy maker, CHINA 1982

Country circus art, CHINA 1982

Street corner gathering, KOREA 1972

Exhausted Red Cross worker, wartime EL SALVADOR

Devastated woman, wartime EL SALVADOR

Mother of the Disappeared, wartime EL SALVADOR

Just blinded man and wife, wartime EL SALVADOR

On the street after attack, wartime EL SALVADOR

Temple door, INDIA

Village water station, INDIA

Boatman, SRI LANKA

Woman gazing out train window, SRI LANKA

Spice shop, INDIA

Tribal village, INDIA